YHC 300 SSG (Structural Silicone Glazed) Cassette is a high-performance curtainwall system designed and tested to meet the most demanding conditions. With varied infill and components, YHC 300 SSG Cassette can meet the requirements for Impact Resistance.

YHC 300 SSG Cassette is a 4-side structural silicone glazed system designed for hurricane impact resistance, blast mitigation or both.  Framing is stick built in the field. Shop glazed cassettes interlock with integral adapters on the horizontals to create full width engagement top and bottom. Vertical sides are toggled to the mullions to complete the mechanical attachment in the field.


  • Unitized/Shop-Glazed
  • Hurricane Mitigation
  • Non Thermal


  • Versatile Framing Design
    •         Multiple system depths available
    •         1-5/16” glazing thickness standard
    •         Inside & Outside corners – 90 and 135 degrees
    •         Accommodates splayed wall designs
  • Structural setting block chairs
  • Glazing options for 70 psf and 90 psf
  • Horizontal stack joints for multi-span applications
  • Florida Product Approvals – FL 25556
    •         Large and Small Missile
    •         Statewide and HVHZ