Episode 2 features a talk with Beth Tubbs, a senior staff engineer with the International Code Council Codes and Standards Development department. Tubbs has extensive experience in fire protection engineering and shares insight on the lingering effects of the Grenfell Tower fire in London last year and how the Code Council and others in the codes and standards community have responded.

The ICC Pulse Podcast is a monthly podcast that offers listeners the inside scoop on the International Code Council and the building safety industry. Episodes of the ICC Pulse Podcast will feature interviews with leading industry experts discussing a wide range of topics including current events and new technologies. Be sure to subscribe and follow the International Code Council on Facebook and Twitter, and spread the word about our podcast using the hashtag #ICCpulsepod.

Beth Tubbs has been with the Code Council since 1995 and she is currently the secretariat to the International Existing Building Code, the International Fire Code, and ICC Performance Code. Beth is also the lead staff on the Fire Code Action Committee.

Beth has extensive experience in fire protection engineering and shares insight on the lingering effects of the Grenfell Tower fire in London last year and how the Code Council and others in the codes and standards community have responded.