The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) released the 179D Portal, which hosts two free tools to estimate potential federal tax deductions for installing eligible energy-efficient technologies in commercial buildings.
Keith Simon, VP of Design Phase Services at Salas O'Brien, and Stephen Shanks, VP of Commissioning at Salas O'Brien, joined us to discuss their upcoming webinar, "The Evolving Landscape of Commercial Energy Efficiency."
SolarEdge Technologies unveiled its SolarEdge ONE solution, a comprehensive software-based site management and energy optimization solution for Commercial and Industrial (C&I) solar applications at RE+ (Booth #3311), Las Vegas.
Skylab Architecture led the design of all aspects of this complex building and program, including core and shell, interior design and furniture selection, and branding integration.
A newly released study by ICF, an international consulting firm with expertise in the energy and energy efficiency sectors, shows that upgrading building envelope insulation leads to substantial energy savings and carbon emission reductions.
Modified wood manufacturer Kebony and cladding and decking attachment system innovator Grad Concept USA announced the launch of Grad for Kebony, a new rainscreen system developed for the North American building envelope industry and interior accent walls.
The U.S Department of Energy recently issued a determination regarding the latest edition of ANSI/ASHRAE/IES STANDARD 90.1 - Energy Standard for Buildings Except Low-Rise Residential Buildings.
Mission critical buildings around the world share a common denominator when it comes to materials installed in a crucial part of the enclosure—the roof.
Tubelite Inc. has expanded its ForceFront Blast product family to include a full range of high-security curtainwall, storefront, entrance door systems for low- and mid-rise government, health care, educational and commercial building projects.