WASHINGTON– The Center for the Polyurethanes Industry (CPI) of the American Chemistry Council (ACC) released a new video for professional installers to illustrate good safety practices for low-pressure, two-component spray polyurethane foam (SPF) application. The video, the latest of the free resources offered by CPI, is available to view or download from the CPI Spray Polyurethane Foam Health and Safety website, www.spraypolyurethane.org.

The video, “Working Safely with Low-Pressure Spray Polyurethane Foam Insulation,” runs approximately nine minutes and is targeted to weatherization professionals and spray foam contractors applying low-pressure SPF. It includes information about the chemicals used to make SPF, personal protective equipment (PPE), appropriate places to install SPF, job site preparation, cleanup and safety practices. The video complements the extensive high-pressure SPF health and safety training program and other free resources CPI has made available to those using spray foam.

“Spray foam is an excellent insulation material that offers many great benefits. CPI and our members want to help make quality information about appropriate safety practices readily available. This video and CPI’s other free resources are a reflection of the industry’s commitment to product stewardship, health and safety. We offer a growing library of information that can help spray foam and weatherization professionals better recognize and employ good safety practices,” said Lee Salamone, senior director of CPI.

In addition to the video, CPI has recently issued an updated guidance document on fire safety, called “Fire Safety Guidance: Working with Polyurethane Foam Products During New Construction, Retrofit and Repair,” which is available under the “Free Resources” section of www.polyurethane.org. This guidance document focuses on safety precautions during “hot work” at construction sites.      

For more information, visit www.americanchemistry.com