SPRI announced that it is revising ANSI/SPRI RD-1 “Performance Standard for Retrofit Drains”and plans to canvass the document for re-approval as an American National Standard.
TRUFAST will offer contractors, architects and engineers an up-close look at its latest product innovations during the IIBEC International Convention & Trade Show March 8–11 in Phoenix (Booth #334).
Dörken Systems Inc. introduced DELTA®-TERRAXX and DELTA®-TERRAXX PLUS, new drainboard systems for horizontal, vertical, and blindside drainage requirements.
Extensive water damage from an aging roof threatened to destroy treasured artifacts housed at the McLean County Museum of History in Downtown Bloomington, Ill.
TYPAR Drainable Wrap has the ability to shed more bulk water than traditional house wraps and offers the added efficiency of an integrated drainage plane, while providing the durability builders and contractors expect from TYPAR building wraps.
ClarkDietrich is adding a new solution to help contractors and builders address moisture management and drainage in exterior wall assemblies with the introduction of E-Screen, a polypropylene entangled mesh rain screen drainage mat.