Therma-HEXXTherma-HEXX Heat Exchange System

 ThermaPANEL is a modular hydronic heat exchange system that efficiently heats or cools beneath pedestal or ground-mounted pavers, stone, cobbles, bricks or any cast-in-place type of pavement. In addition to being a highly efficient heat exchanger, the system will also utilize solar heat gain for the heating of pools and domestic water, while at the same time cooling the pavement’s surface, thus eliminating the urban heat island effect and creating a comfortable surface. ThermaPANEL units are installed under the pavement surface and are in contact with 95 percent of the pavement area. Heat exchange fluid is pumped evenly through the panels in turbulent flow channels, creating an even and efficient transfer of energy between the fluid and the surface. Rooftop pedestal-mounted ThermaPANEL units are designed to lay out perfectly with 2-by-2-foot pavers or stones. For more information, visit