AtArchitectural Roofing & Waterproofing, our goal is to cover all aspects of roofing and waterproofing design. I must admit, when it comes to roofing problems, I hadn’t given much thought to bird control. My eyes are open now.

AtArchitectural Roofing & Waterproofing, our goal is to cover all aspects of roofing and waterproofing design. I must admit, when it comes to roofing problems, I hadn’t given much thought to bird control. My eyes are open now. I’m editing an article for an upcoming issue pf ARW on the hazards posed by birds - and their droppings, which can degrade of roofing materials, carry disease, and contribute to slip-and-fall accidents on the roof.

The article outlines some non-lethal methods of bird control, including sonic devices, roost inhibitors, visual scares, and chemical repellants. Look for it in our next issue. When it comes to roof system design, are birds and their hazards on your radar screen? If so, what systems have you recommended to keep rooftops from resembling a scene from a certain Hitchcock movie? For example, have you specified spikes or netting to keep birds from landing on buildings? If so, let us know what methods have proven successful.